Yas it was a very hectic month but I enjoyed it (hmm) Okay we have this one program, inter-house competition, called Cultural Night. The theme for this year was Books Adaptation and each house was required to give a book title that we wanted to choose. So my house, Water informed that we chose Snow White, but after they collected the books title, they made a random pick and my house got Harry Potter :’) WHO ON EARTH WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!! (SORRY POTTERHEADS AHHAHAHAHA)  So lets see the pictures of the night lah because picture can tell you thousand things. And hey, you guess what, I’m the Rubeus Hagrid ;’’’’’’)

Okay so that's the end of my Cultural Night story :)

"But you know, happiness can be found even in darkness of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Harry Potter








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