The Indescribable

Bila dengar je suara dia, approaching me, sejuk je hati dengar. Bila pandang muka dia, especially when I look through into its eyes, I feel loved. Bila pandang mata dia memang like dia caught my eyes, takboleh pandang lain. Have you ever feel that? I feel like ada yang dah memahami apa dalam hati ni tanpa buka mulut pun cakap dekat dia. Macam dia cuba sampaikan satu mesej “I truly understand you, and hey hey I’m here, you have me.” 

Like dialah the most understanding creature on earth.

Belum lagi bila dia comes closer, memang taknampak dah makhluk lain kat sekeliling, sumpah it’s only you, you. Even bila aku yang dekati dia pun, dah takleh rasa perasaan lain selain teruja. You deserve all of my loves. Whenever I touch you, your reactions are priceless.. You’ll look deeper into my eyes if I stop, sending a sign of begging me to continue,

and I could never control myself from keep falling into it.

Sometimes I wish others could feel what I feel, because it’s one of the most precious and indescribable gift from Him. 

It gives me the pleasure, that no human can gives 
I love you, cats.


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