
That’s why I hate having nothing to do
Just like now.
I couldn’t sleep.
My mind is wandering, around..
The thoughts kill me

I’m confused
I don’t know whom should I talk to
I don’t know

I don’t know what I’m feeling right now
A girl is confused
With her own feelings
With his feelings
With the things she did
The things he did
The things they did

I don’t know what is this
I stay up everyday, thinking
Figuring out what is this
I don’t know
The pain I feel in my chest
My heart aches
But I’m confused

Who am I to ask?
What are we?
What is this?
Why are we doing this?
Where is this going to lead us?
Who am I to you?
Who you are to me?
Is this right? Or is it wrong?
Somebody, please
Enlighten me
Tell me
I am confused.

At night,
I scold myself
For doing such things
I promise myself
I’m not going to repeat it
I hate myself
Because I know I will keep doing it

During the day
I know I fail
I get confused again
The doubts are all gone
Not for good,
It will come back
When the moon comes.
And it will repeat.

It’s night
I question myself again
I’m talking to you
But actually to myself
Because it’s me
The girl who’s confused
With everything
Even with her own feelings.

But the only thing
She sure about is
She is happy
With him.


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